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Pannar sunflower hybrid, PAN 7160CLP, makes waves in the Heilbron district!

Nelia Louw, Pannar's representative in the Northern Free State, says PAN 7160CLP produced 2.5 – 2.8 tonnes per hectare during this harvesting session.

It was planted at 50,000 plants per hectare.

PAN 7160CLP is very reliable and well-adapted to all the different production regions. It is confidently recommended as part of the main planting.

Pannar markets a range of Pannar-brand sunflowers with Clearfield® Plus trait technology that competes head-to-head with the conventional hybrids, providing an alternative choice for weed control and crop rotation. Euro-Lightning® Plus herbicide provides effective post-emergence control of a variety of broadleaf weeds and grasses.

Feel free to contact Nelia Louw at 083 455 6909 or your local Pannar expert to help you select the right cultivar package for your fields.


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